2017 SMFoLD Workshop
October 3, 2017; Sterling Virginia
In conjunction with Display Summit, Oct. 4-5
Rockwell Collins
22640 Davis Dr. Sterling, VA 20164
Insight Media and Third Dimension Technologies teamed up once again to host the second workshop on Streaming Media for Field of Light Displays (SMFoLD). Last year’s workshop, held in conjunction with the annual SMPTE conference in Hollywood, California drew nearly 100 attendees from the full light field capture-to-display ecosystem.
This year’s workshop was coupled with Display Summit to avoid a conflict with an MPEG meeting during the SMPTE annual conference. Display Summit already also features a number presentations on light field and other advanced display technologies. The location was near many government and military contractors and personnel.
The goal of the SMFoLD workshop was first, to present up-to-date information on the state of the light field capture-to-display ecosystem. Secondly, the workshop featured presentations and extensive discussion about the streaming of light field data from source to display. Several companies proposed new standards and standards organizations have begun to evaluate these proposals.
Attendees included:
- Light field capture companies
- Light field processing and rendering companies
- Light field display companies
- Companies working on advanced codecs and streaming formats
- Companies looking at light field displays for virtual reality or augmented reality
- Companies looking at advanced displays for medical, professional or commercial applications
- Government, intelligence and military personnel or contractors
- Graphics companies
- Standards organization representatives
- Companies working in training, simulation or advanced visualization
- Distribution infrastructure organizations
- Technologists and consultants
- Content creation and production companies
The workshop was organized by Insight Media with support from a Phase II contract called Streaming Model for Field-of-Light Displays (SMFoLD); Open Standard for Display Agnostic 3D Streaming (DA3DS). Funded by the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), the contract was awarded to Third Dimension Technologies and Oak Ridge National Laboratories.